Friday, November 27, 2009

Another day, another time, maybe

She turns the page,
and coughs.
Coughs. Sighs, and continues
reading. I've never spent so much time
with one who breathes so loud...
except for these minutes.
The relative quiet is rather strange.

I realized today

that I've developed a physical addiction to coffee.
An unfortunate side-effect of loving the taste
and giving in.

My one true addiction, my worst habit,

is giving in.

Always has been.

Friday, November 20, 2009


In our bedroom, where we've been known to linger...
He's falling asleep, and as he twitches into unconsciousness
his claws graze my arm.
His head slides down, muscles relaxing after a hard day
of naps.
I worry when he wheezes and coughs
on occasion, every year that passes
is a larger proportion of his life
than it is mine.

Aye, well...we sleep another night away.